
192 lines
6.8 KiB
Common Lisp

(defpackage :timecalc-web
(:use :cl :with-user-abort :cl-markup)
(:import-from :timecalc-logic
:convert :save-model
(:import-from :str
(:import-from :clack
(:import-from :ningle
(:export :start-server))
(in-package :timecalc-web)
(defvar *app* (make-instance '<app>))
(defvar *handler* nil
"webapp handler reference")
(defvar *calculation-result* nil)
(defun start-server (port)
"starts the web interface"
(setf (route *app* "/" :method :get) #'index
(route *app* "/result" :method :get) #'result
(route *app* "/calculate" :method :post) #'calculate
(route *app* "/loadModels" :method :post) #'load-or-reset-systems ;; old - DELETE
(route *app* "/create" :method :get) #'create-system-page
(route *app* "/create" :method :post) #'create-system
(route *app* "/add" :method :post) #'load-new-system)
(setf *handler* (clackup *app* :port port :debug nil))
(bt:join-thread (find-if (lambda (th)
(search "hunchentoot" (bt:thread-name th)))
(user-abort ()
(clack:stop *handler*))))
(defun index (&optional args)
(declare (ignorable args))
(setf *calculation-result* nil)
;; need to put CSS in here for flexbox
(:script :type "text/javascript" (raw
function asyncConvert() {
var from = document.getElementById('from').value;
var to = document.getElementById('to').value;
var time = document.getElementById('time').value;
fetch('/calculate', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
'from': from,
'time': time,
'to': to
headers: {
'Content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
function loadModels(reset = false) {
var directory = document.getElementById('systemDirectory').files[0].webkitRelativePath;
fetch('/add', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
'directory': directory,
'clear': reset
headers: {
'Content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
body { font-size: 1.5rem; }
.container { display: grid; place-items: center; }
.form-container { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; }
.convert-container { display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; }
input { height: 42px; font-size: 1rem;}
.needs-space { margin: 1rem; }
(:link :rel "stylesheet" :href "custom.css"))
(:body :class "container"
(:p "Time Calculator")
(:div :class "convert-container"
;; wrap this inside a disclosure group
(:p "Select System Directory:")
(:input :type "file" :id "systemDirectory" :name "systemDirectory" :class "needs-space" :webkitdirectory)
(:button :type "button" :onclick "loadModels()"
"Load Models")
(:button :type "button" :onclick "loadModels(true)"
"Reset Models"))
(:div :class "form-container"
(:div :class "convert-container"
(:p "Time")
(:input :type "text" :id "time" :name "time" :class "needs-space"))
(:div :class "convert-container"
(:select :name "from" :id "from"
(loop :for model :being :the :hash-value :of timecalc-logic::*models*
(markup (:option :value (gethash "key" model) (gethash "name" model)))))
(:p :class "needs-space" "To")
(:select :name "to" :id "to"
(loop :for model :being :the :hash-value :of timecalc-logic::*models*
(markup (:option :value (gethash "key" model) (gethash "name" model))))))
(:button :type "button" :onclick "asyncConvert()"
(:iframe :src "/result" :frameBorder "0"))))
(defun result (&optional args)
(:meta :http-equiv "refresh" :content (if *calculation-result* "-1" "1")))
(:p (or *calculation-result* "")))))
(defun calculate (&optional args)
(setf *calculation-result*
(convert (agetf "time" args) (agetf "to" args) (agetf "to" args))))
(defun create-system-page (&optional args)
;; define javascript to output
(:form :method "POST" :action "/create"
(create-label-and-input "key" "text" "Key")
(create-label-and-input "name" "text" "System Name")
(create-label-and-input "secondsInMinute" "text" "Seconds in Minute (leave blank for default)")
(create-label-and-input "minutesInHour" "text" "Minutes in Hour (leave blank for default)")
(create-label-and-input "hoursInDay" "text" "Hours in Day (leave blank for default)")
(create-label-and-input "daysInYear" "text" "Days in Year (leave blank for default)")
(create-label-and-input "secondsInYear" "text" "Seconds in Year")
(create-label-and-input "usesGalacticSecond" "checkbox" "Uses GTS seconds? (leave blank for default)")
(create-label-and-input "yz-galactic" "text" "GTS Year 0 (in seconds)")
(create-label-and-input "yz-local" "checkbox" "Local Year 0 (in seconds)")
(:input :type "submit" :value "Submit")))))
(defun create-system (&optional args)
;; parse all fields and generate the hashtable for
;; jzon:stringify to flip into proper JSON to spit out
;; into a file. (using the key as the filename)
(let ((hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(yz (make-hash-table :test 'equal :size 2)))
;; gets our keys for the yearZero part first
(setf (gethash "galactic" yz) (agetf "yz-galatic" args)
(gethash "local" yz) (agetf "yz-local" args)
(gethash "yearZero" hash) yz)
(loop :for (k . v) :in args
:unless (or (string= k "yz-galactic")
(string= k "yz-local"))
:do (setf (gethash k hash) v))
(save-model hash)))
(defmacro create-label-and-input (name type label &key (value ""))
`(markup (:label :for ,name ,label)
(:input :type ,type :name ,name ,@(unless (blankp value)
`(:value ,value)))))
;; TODO: change this to parse the POST'd JSON and add to the models hashtable
(defun load-or-reset-systems (&optional args)
(let* ((file (agetf "directory" args))
(dir (str:concat (namestring (uiop:getcwd)) (getf (pathname-directory file) :relative) "/")))
(when (and dir (uiop:directory-exists-p dir))
(format t "loading models from ~a~%" dir)
(timecalc-logic:load-models (uiop:directory-files dir "*.system")
:clear-before-load (agetf "reset" args)))))