
60 lines
2.6 KiB
Common Lisp

;;; auth.lisp
(in-package :seanut)
(defun get-access-token (domain options)
(let ((token
(if (getf options :quick-connect-p)
;; go through the whole quick connect rigamarole
(quick-connect-dance domain)
;; authenticates the user via username and password
(gethash "AccessToken"
(json-request (format-url domain "Users/AuthenticateByName")
:auth (generate-authorization)
:method :post
:content `(("Username" . ,(getf options :username))
("Pw" . ,(getf options :password))))))))
(format t "Your access token: ~A~&Next time you use seanut, pass this with -t to skip having to authorize~&"
(defun quick-connect-dance (domain)
(let* ((auth (generate-authorization))
(qc-session (handler-case
(json-request (format-url domain "QuickConnect/Initiate") :auth auth)
(dex:http-request-unauthorized ()
(error "QuickConnect not enabled on this server.")))))
;; initiate quick connect session
;; display code to user
;; sleep 5 seconds
;; poll QuickConnect/Connect?secret=~A
;; until "Authenticated" is t or we've looped 20 times (~1min)
;; if we time out signal an error
;; else POST to Users/AuthenticateWithQuickConnect with "Secret"
;; return "AccessToken"
(format t "QuickConnect Code: ~A~%" (gethash "Code" qc-session))
(loop :with counter := 1
:with authed
:until (or authed (> counter 20))
(sleep 5)
(let ((state (json-request (format-url domain "QuickConnect/Connect?secret=~A"
(gethash "Secret" qc-session))
:auth auth)))
(setf authed (gethash "Authenticated" state)
counter (1+ counter)))
(when (> counter 20)
(error "QuickConnect session timed out.")))
(gethash "AccessToken"
(json-request (format-url domain "Users/AuthenticateWithQuickConnect")
:auth auth
:method :post
:content (jzon:stringify (alist-hash-table `(("Secret" . ,(gethash "Secret" qc-session)))))
:extra-headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/json"))))))