
108 lines
4.5 KiB
Common Lisp

;;;; web.lisp
(in-package :lspx)
(defparameter *static-files* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
"cache of our static file attributes")
(defun serve-static-file (path)
(log:debug "Serving static file at ~A" path)
(if (gethash path *static-files*)
(list 200 (gethash path *static-files*) (translate-logical-pathname path))
(with-open-file (stream path :direction :input)
(log:debug "Caching static file info...")
(list 200
(setf (gethash path *static-files*)
`(:content-type ,(mimes:mime path)
:content-length ,(file-length stream)
:cache-control "public, max-age=31556926"
:vary "Accept-Encoding" ;;
:last-modified ,(local-time:format-rfc1123-timestring nil
(local-time:universal-to-timestamp (file-write-date path)))))
(translate-logical-pathname path)))))
(defun serve-dynamic-file (request-path path)
"serves a dynamic LSPX file at PATH
checks if the file needs to be re/compiled first.
if it does, we compile it and load it before FUNCALL-ing the page's render function"
(let ((faslpath (generate-filepath "cache" request-path ".fasl"))
(function-name (generate-page-function-name :path path :intern t)))
(log:debug "Request path: ~A ;; Serving file: ~A"
request-path path)
;; if we already have a compiled version of our page file
;; we check to ensure it's not out of date. if it is we
;; delete the fasl and recompile it.
;; if the fasl doesn't exist, we short circuit the logic and
;; don't try to delete the file
(unless (> (handler-case (file-write-date faslpath)
(file-error () -1))
(file-write-date path))
(ensure-directories-exist faslpath)
(log:debug "FASL ~:[doesn't exist~;out of date~]. ~:[C~;Rec~]ompiling file to ~A"
(uiop:file-exists-p faslpath)
(uiop:file-exists-p faslpath)
(let* ((*package* #.(find-package :lspx.user))
(*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
(*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))
(*error-output* (if (log:debug) *error-output*
(*read-eval* t))
(set-macro-character #\< #'read-html-tag)
;; i cannot get COMPILE-FILE to *not* print to *stdout*
;; i've tried binding it to a new broadcast stream
;; and binding it to a string
;; no clue! this must do some Special Bullshit:tm:
(compile-file path
:block-compile t
:entry-points (list function-name)
:output-file faslpath
:print nil
:progress nil
:verbose nil)
(load faslpath)))
`(200 nil (,(funcall function-name)))))
(defun web-handler (env)
"handle the request by searching for a lisp file that matches the path provided in the url
if we find the file we compile it using block compilation and load the fasl
if we cannot find the file we throw an error"
(destructuring-bind (&key path-info request-method &allow-other-keys) env
(unless (member request-method '(:head :get))
(log:debug "Dropping request with unsupported method ~A" request-method)
(return-from web-handler (501-handler)))
(let ((filepath (generate-filepath (if (static-asset-p path-info)
"static" "pages")
(if (static-asset-p path-info)
(str:concat "." (pathname-type path-info))
(if (uiop:file-exists-p filepath)
;; if we have a file at the requested path
;; we check to see if its static or not
(if (static-asset-p path-info)
;; if the file is a static asset we return it straight up
(serve-static-file filepath)
;; if the filepath points to a lspx file we compile it and
;; render it's page
(serve-dynamic-file path-info filepath))