
88 lines
3.7 KiB
Common Lisp

;;;; templates.lisp
(defpackage :lspx.template
(:use :cl)
(:local-nicknames (:a :alexandria))
(:export *custom-tags* deftemplate maybe-render-template maybe-defragment-html))
(in-package :lspx.template)
(declaim (inline deftemplate))
(a:define-constant +attr-scanner+
(:sequence (:register (:non-greedy-repetition 1 nil :word-char-class)) "=\""
(:register (:non-greedy-repetition 0 nil :everything)) #\"))
:test 'equal)
(defparameter *custom-tags*
(make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defun parse-attributes (tag)
(loop :for (key attr) :on (str:split "=" tag) :by #'cddr
:collect (list (intern (string-upcase key) :keyword)
(str:trim attr :char-bag "\""))
:into attrs
(log:trace "parsed the following attributes: ~A" (a:flatten attrs))
(return (a:flatten attrs))))
(defun maybe-defragment-html (html)
(if (or (str:starts-with-p "<html" html)
(str:starts-with-p "<!DOCTYPE" html :ignore-case t))
(str:concat "<!DOCTYPE html><html>"
(unless (str:starts-with-p "<body" html)
(unless (str:starts-with-p "<body" html)
(defmacro deftemplate (tag lambda-list &body body)
"defines a new template denoted with TAG."
(let ((inner (gensym "INNER"))
(arg (gensym "ARG"))
(has-rest (member '&rest lambda-list))
(has-keys (search '(&key) lambda-list)))
(log:info "defining new template for tag ~A" ,tag)
(setf (gethash ,tag *custom-tags*)
(lambda ,(if lambda-list
(if has-rest lambda-list
(if has-keys `(,@(subseq lambda-list 0 has-keys)
&rest ,arg
,@(subseq lambda-list has-keys))
(append lambda-list (list '&rest arg))))
`(,inner &rest ,arg))
,@(typecase (car body)
(string `((declare (ignore ,arg))
(format nil ,(car body) ,inner)))
(list (if has-rest body
(append `((declare (ignore ,arg))) body)))))))))
(defun maybe-render-template (template raw-input &rest data)
"checks for TEMPLATE in *custom-tags*
if found it applies RAW-INPUT and DATA to the function, parsing out any attributes in the custom tag
if TEMPLATE does not specify a custom tag we just apply format to RAW-INPUT with DATA being the rest"
(if (gethash template *custom-tags*)
(let ((attributes (car (ppcre:all-matches-as-strings
(car (ppcre:all-matches-as-strings
`(:sequence #\< ,template
(:non-greedy-repetition 0 nil :everything) #\>)
(cleaned (ppcre:regex-replace-all
`(:sequence #\< (:greedy-repetition 0 1 #\/) ,template
(:non-greedy-repetition 0 nil :everything) #\>)
raw-input "")))
(log:trace "found template for tag: ~A. processing attributes: ~A" template attributes)
(apply (gethash template *custom-tags*)
`(,(apply #'format `(nil ,cleaned ,@data))
,@(when attributes
(parse-attributes (str:trim attributes)))
:allow-other-keys t)))
(apply #'format `(nil ,raw-input ,@data))))