
124 lines
5.1 KiB
Common Lisp

;;;; reader.lisp
(in-package :lspx)
(a:define-constant +sexp-regex+
(:flags :single-line-mode-p)
(:non-greedy-repetition 0 nil :everything)
:test 'equal)
(defun parse-lisp-sexp (str)
"parses out all lisp expressions from STR
returns a plist with the cleaned HTML and the s-expressions"
(let ((expressions (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
(str:trim s :char-bag "{}"))
(ppcre:all-matches-as-strings +sexp-regex+ str)))
(cleaned (ppcre:regex-replace-all +sexp-regex+ str "~A")))
(log:trace "found these sexps: " expressions)
(list :html cleaned :sexps (mapcar #'read-from-string expressions))))
(defun read-stream-until (stream end)
"reads STREAM until buffer ends with END"
(let ((end-val (typecase end
(base-char (string end))
(t end))))
(loop :with buffer := (make-string 100 :initial-element #\Space)
:with i := 0
:with char
(setf char (read-char stream))
(log:trace "current char: " char)
(let ((ret-val
;; this means we're processing a closing tag.
((and (char= char #\<)
(char= (peek-char nil stream) #\/))
(string char))
;; if we see a tag and it's not a closing tag we
;; recurse and process it
((char= char #\<) (read-html-tag stream nil :define-function nil))
;; otherwise we just return the character
(t (string char)))))
(when (>= (+ (length ret-val) i)
(length buffer))
(let ((tmp (make-string (* 2 (+ (length ret-val) i))
:initial-element #\Space)))
(setf (subseq tmp 0 i) buffer
buffer tmp)))
(setf (subseq buffer i (+ i (length ret-val))) ret-val
i (+ i (length ret-val))))
(log:trace "current buffer length: ~A~%Buffer Contents: ~A"
(length buffer) (str:trim buffer))
:until (str:ends-with-p end-val (str:trim buffer))
(return (subseq (str:trim-right buffer)
0 (- (length (str:trim-right buffer))
(length end-val)))))))
(defun read-html-tag (stream char &key (define-function t))
(declare (ignore char))
(let ((next-char (peek-char nil stream)))
(when (char= next-char #\@)
(read-char stream)
(setf define-function nil
next-char (peek-char nil stream)))
(if (or (alpha-char-p next-char)
(char= next-char #\/))
(let* ((tag-and-attrs
(log:trace "reading HTML tag and attributes")
(read-stream-until stream #\>)))
(log:trace "teasing tag from potential attributes...")
(car (str:split " " tag-and-attrs)))))
(if (str:ends-with-p "/" tag-and-attrs)
;; if the tag is a self-closing tag we call maybe-render template
;; with the potential sexps and return it.
(let ((parsed
(log:trace "returning self-terminating tag...")
(parse-lisp-sexp (str:concat "<" tag-and-attrs ">")))))
(apply #'maybe-render-template
,(getf parsed :html)
,@(getf parsed :sexps))))
;; if it doesn't self-close we go ahead and continue working through
;; the rest of the stream
(let* ((closing-tag (str:concat "</" true-tag ">"))
(log:trace "reading rest of HTML element for tag ~A..." true-tag)
(read-stream-until stream closing-tag)))
(log:trace "parsing full HTML string for sexps...")
(parse-lisp-sexp (format nil "<~A>~A" tag-and-attrs html-string)))))
(if define-function
`(defun ,(generate-page-function-name :intern t) ()
(maybe-render-template ,true-tag
,(str:concat (getf parsed :html) closing-tag)
,@(getf parsed :sexps))))
(apply #'maybe-render-template
,(str:concat (getf parsed :html) closing-tag)
,@(getf parsed :sexps)))))))
(if (char= next-char #\Space)
'< (intern (format nil "<~S" (read stream)))))))