
89 lines
2.9 KiB
Common Lisp

;;;; errors.lisp
(defpackage :lspx.errors
(:use :cl)
(:local-nicknames (:a :alexandria))
(:import-from :html-entities :encode-entities)
(:import-from :trivial-backtrace :print-backtrace)
(:import-from :lspx.template
:deftemplate :maybe-render-template
*http-errors* *html-backtrace*))
(in-package :lspx.errors)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel)
(defparameter *html-backtrace* nil)
(defparameter *http-errors*
'((404 "404 - page not found")
500 501)
"list of HTTP codes to generate error pages for
if an element is a list, we assume CDR is an HTML string to return for the error
otherwise, we just return an empty response"))
(a:define-constant +backtrace-html-style+
html {
white-space: pre-line;
background: #505A5B;
color: #DCEDFF;
font-family: Chalkboard, Comic Sans MS, Calibri, Sans Serif;
a {
color: #94B0DA;
p {
padding: 2%;
:test #'string=)
(deftemplate "Internal--BackTrace" (inner)
(format nil "<!DOCTYPE html><head><title>LSPX Error - Backtrace</title><style>~A</style></head><html><body><p>~A</p></body></html>"
+backtrace-html-style+ inner))
(defmacro with-printable-backtrace (&body body)
"quick macro to wrap up printing backtraces in case of a request error"
`(handler-case ,@body
(error (e)
(if *html-backtrace*
(list 500 nil
(list (maybe-render-template "Internal--BackTrace"
(string #\newline) "<br/>"
(encode-entities (print-backtrace e :output nil))))))
(prog1 (500-handler)
(log:error "~%~A" (print-backtrace e :output nil)))))))
(defmacro http-error (code &optional html)
"defines an http error handler function of the form <CODE>-HANDLER (e.g., 404-handler)
if HTML is provided that value is returned to the user when the error occurs. otherwise nothing is returned and the backend returns it's default value
automatically exports generated handler function"
(let* ((package #.(find-package :lspx.errors))
(handler-name (format nil "~:@(~A-HANDLER~)" code)))
(defun ,(intern handler-name package) ()
'(,code nil ,(when html `(,html))))
(export ',(intern handler-name package) ,package))))
(defmacro generate-error-handlers ()
"iterates over all values in *HTTP-ERRORS* and generates error handlers based off of the values within"
,@(loop :for c :in *http-errors*
:if (listp c)
:collect `(http-error ,(car c) ,(cadr c))
:collect `(http-error ,c))))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel)