
221 lines
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Common Lisp

(in-package #:glacier)
(declaim (inline fave-p boost-p mention-p follow-p poll-ended-p
follow-request-p bot-post-p agetf seconds-until-midnight
current-day dow-for ensure-list))
(defun time-to-seconds (&rest rest)
"takes all values passed as REST, converts the time into seconds, and returns the total
REST should be arguments compatible with PARSE-TIME
example usage: (time-to-seconds 1 :day 2 :hours 30 :minutes)"
(loop :for i :from 2 :to (length rest) :by 2
:for time := (subseq rest (- i 2) i)
:summing (apply #'parse-time (car time) (cdr time))))
(defun parse-time (amount duration)
"parses AMOUNT of DURATION into seconds"
(* amount (cond
((or (eq duration :seconds)
(eq duration :second))
((or (eq duration :minutes)
(eq duration :minute))
((or (eq duration :hours)
(eq duration :hour))
((or (eq duration :days)
(eq duration :day))
((or (eq duration :weeks)
(eq duration :week))
(t (error "unknown duration")))))
(defmacro after ((amount duration &key async) &body body)
if ASYNC is non-nil, runs asynchronously"
(let ((code `((sleep (parse-time ,amount ,duration))
(if async
(lambda () ,@code))
`(progn ,@code))))
(defmacro after-every ((amount duration &key async run-immediately) &body body)
"runs BODY after every AMOUNT of DURATION
if ASYNC is non-nil, runs asynchronously
if RUN-IMMEDIATELY is non-nil, runs BODY once before waiting for next invocation"
(let ((code `(loop ,@(when run-immediately `(initially ,@body))
do (sleep (parse-time ,amount ,duration))
(if async
(lambda () ,code))
(defmacro on ((day &key at async) &body body)
"runs BODY on DAY, optionally AT a time
DAY is a keyword with the day of the week (e.g., :sunday, :monday, etc)
AT is a string denoting a time (e.g., '13:20', '4:20PM', '23:00')
if ASYNC is non-nil code is executed asynchronously
if AT is nil, code is ran at midnight on DAY"
(let ((code `(loop with executed = nil
(loop until (and (= (current-day) (dow-for ,day)) (not executed))
do (sleep (1+ (seconds-until-midnight)))
(setf executed nil))
,(when at `(sleep (seconds-until-timestring ,at)))
(setf executed t)
(if async
(lambda () ,code))
(defun current-day ()
"returns the current day of the week"
(nth 6 (multiple-value-list (get-decoded-time))))
(defun dow-for (day)
"returns the day of the week for DAY"
(case day
(:sunday 6)
(:monday 0)
(:tuesday 1)
(:wednesday 2)
(:thursday 3)
(:friday 4)
(:saturday 5)
(t -1)))
(defun seconds-until-midnight ()
"returns how many seconds until it's midnight"
(seconds-until 23 59 60))
(defun seconds-until (hours minutes &optional (seconds 0))
"determines how many seconds until HOURS MINUTES and SECONDS
if the time has already passed it returns 0 instead of a negative time"
(let* ((decoded (multiple-value-list (get-decoded-time)))
(hour (nth 2 decoded))
(minute (nth 1 decoded))
(second (nth 0 decoded))
(results (+ (parse-time (- hours hour) :hours)
(parse-time (- minutes minute) :minutes)
(- seconds second))))
(if (< results 0)
(defun seconds-until-timestring (time-string)
"parses TIME-STRING and returns how long until the time specified
TIME-STRING is of the form '12:04', '18:30', '1:10PM', etc"
(let* ((split-time (str:split ":" time-string))
(hours (parse-integer (first split-time)))
(minutes (parse-integer (second split-time) :junk-allowed t)))
(when (and (str:ends-with-p "PM" time-string)
(< hours 12))
(incf hours 12))
(+ (seconds-until hours minutes))))
(defun agetf (place indicator &optional default)
"getf but for alists"
(or (cdr (assoc indicator place :test #'equal))
(defun get-mastodon-streaming-url ()
"gets the websocket url for the mastodon instance"
(gethash "streaming_api" (tooter:urls (tooter:instance (bot-client *bot*)))))
(defun print-open ()
"prints a message when the websocket is connected"
(print "connected"))
(defun print-close (&key code reason)
"prints a message when the websocket is closed"
(when (and code reason)
(format t "disconnected because ~A (code=~A)~%" reason code)))
(defun add-scheme (domain)
"adds https scheme to DOMAIN if it isnt already there"
(if (search "https://" domain)
(concatenate 'string
(defun commandp (word)
"checks if WORD is a command"
(or (member word (hash-table-keys *commands*) :test #'equal)
(member word (hash-table-keys *privileged-commands*) :test #'equal)))
(defun add-command (cmd function &key privileged (add-prefix t))
"adds a command into our hash
CMD should be a string
FUNCTION should be a function that accepts a single parameter (a tooter:status object)
if PRIVILEGED is non-nil, command will only be triggered if mention is sent by an account the bot is following
if ADD-PREFIX is non-nil, adds *COMMAND-PREFIX* to the front of CMD (defaults to t)"
(setf (gethash (if add-prefix
(concatenate 'string *command-prefix* cmd)
(if privileged
(defun privileged-reply-p (status)
"returns T if STATUS is from an account that the bot follows"
(tooter:following (car
(bot-client *bot*)
(list (tooter:id (tooter:account status)))))))
(defun fave-p (notification)
"checks if NOTIFICATION is a favourite"
(eq (tooter:kind notification) :favourite))
(defun mention-p (notification)
"checks if NOTIFICATION is a mention"
(eq (tooter:kind notification) :mention))
(defun boost-p (notification)
"checks if NOTIFICATION is a boost"
(eq (tooter:kind notification) :reblog))
(defun poll-ended-p (notification)
"checks if NOTIFICATION is a poll"
(eq (tooter:kind notification) :poll))
(defun follow-request-p (notification)
"checks if NOTIFICATION is a follow request"
(eq (tooter:kind notification) :follow-request))
(defun follow-p (notification)
"checks if NOTIFICATION is a follow"
(eq (tooter:kind notification) :follow))
(defun bot-post-p (status)
"checks if STATUS was posted by the bot"
(equal (bot-account-id *bot*) (tooter:id (tooter:account status))))
(defun delete-parent (status)
"deletes the parent post of STATUS if it was posted by the bot"
(let ((parent (tooter:find-status (bot-client *bot*) (tooter:in-reply-to-id status))))
(when (bot-post-p parent)
(tooter:delete-status (bot-client *bot*) parent))))
(defun ensure-list (obj)
"ensures that OBJ is a list"
(typecase obj
(list obj)
(t (list obj))))