
60 lines
2.4 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package :glacier)
(defun generate-cw (status-text mappings)
"returns a content warning based off of our cw-mappings and the STATUS-TEXT"
(when mappings
(let ((cw-list (loop :with text := (str:split " " (str:downcase status-text))
:for mapping :in mappings
:for cw := (first mapping)
:for trigger-words := (car (rest mapping))
;; i could probably do something with regexes to simplify this
;; but also :shrug: it works
:collect (loop :for trigger :in trigger-words
:if (member trigger text :test #'str:containsp)
:return cw)
:into cws
(return (remove-if #'not cws)))))
(str:join ", " (remove-duplicates cw-list :test #'string=)))))
(defun load-mapping-files (files)
"loads the content warning mappings from FILES
returns an alist containing all mappings"
(loop :with mappings
:for f :in (ensure-list files)
:when (uiop:file-exists-p f)
:do (setf mappings
(append mappings
(parse-mapping-file f)))
:finally (return mappings)))
(defun parse-mapping-file (file)
"parses mapping FILE, returning an alist of the mappings of the from (CW (words))"
(let ((lines (str:lines (str:from-file file))))
(loop :with cw-def
:with trigger-def
:with file-def
:for line :in lines
:when (and (not cw-def) (str:starts-with-p "warning:" line))
:do (setf cw-def (str:trim (str:replace-first "warning:" "" line)))
:when (and cw-def (str:starts-with-p "words:" line))
:do (setf trigger-def (map 'list #'str:trim (str:split "," (str:replace-first "words:" "" line))))
:when (and cw-def trigger-def)
:do (setf file-def (append file-def (list (list cw-def trigger-def)))
cw-def nil
trigger-def nil)
:finally (return file-def))))
(defun mappings-updated-p (files)
"checks to see if any mapping FILES has been updated since our last check"
(let ((mod-times (map 'list #'file-write-date (ensure-list files))))
(some #'> mod-times *mappings-write-date*)))