
130 lines
5.2 KiB
Common Lisp

;;; extensions.lisp
;; extensions and helper functions for
;; tooter objects
(in-package #:glacier)
(defvar *no-bot-regex* "(?i)#?NoBot"
"regex to check for the NoBot tag")
(defun api-request (fragment &optional result-type)
"perform an API request
FRAGMENT is the fragment of the url that goes AFTER api/v1/
RESULT-TYPE (if provided) is the object type that we should use when parsing the response
can be either a symbol ('account) or list '(:list account)
if it is a list then we decode the response and collect and return them as a list"
(let ((client (bot-client *bot*)))
(multiple-value-bind (response headers)
(tooter:request (concatenate 'string
(tooter:base client)
:headers `(("Authorization" . ,(concatenate 'string
"Bearer "
(tooter:access-token client)))))
(if result-type
(if (listp result-type)
(loop for r in response
collect (tooter:decode-entity
(find-symbol (symbol-name (car (last result-type)))
(find-package :tooter))
(tooter:decode-entity result-type response))
(defmethod no-bot-p ((id string))
"checks an account's bio and profile fields to see if they contain a NoBot tag"
(no-bot-p (tooter:find-account (bot-client *bot*) id)))
(defmethod no-bot-p ((account tooter:account))
"checks an account's bio and profile fields to see if they contain a NoBot tag"
(or (cl-ppcre:scan *no-bot-regex* (tooter:note account))
(loop for field in (tooter:fields account)
for name = (tooter:name field)
for value = (tooter::value field)
when (or (cl-ppcre:scan *no-bot-regex* name)
(cl-ppcre:scan *no-bot-regex* value))
collect field)))
(defun upload-media (media)
"uploads MEDIA to the defined mastodon server.
returns a list that can be passed into POST or REPLY
MEDIA may be a list containing pathnames, or lists of the form (PATH-TO-FILE IMAGE-DESCRIPTION)
if it is like the latter, the description will be applied to the image upon uploading"
(flet ((upload (file)
(tooter:make-media (bot-client *bot*) (car file) :description (cadr file))))
(if (listp media)
(loop :for v :in media
:if (listp v)
:collect (upload v)
:collect v)
(defmethod no-bot-p ((mention tooter:mention))
"checks account found in MENTION to see if they have NoBot set"
(no-bot-p (tooter:find-account (bot-client *bot*) (tooter:id mention))))
(defmethod reply ((status tooter:status) text &key include-mentions media cw sensitive visibility)
"replies to a STATUS with TEXT. copies the visibility and content warning as the post it's replying to
if INCLUDE-MENTIONS is non-nil, include mentions besides the primary account being replied to"
(let* ((client (bot-client *bot*))
(reply-account (tooter:account status))
(reply-mentions (loop for mention in (remove (tooter:id reply-account)
(tooter:mentions status)
:test #'equal :key #'tooter:id)
unless (no-bot-p mention)
collect (concatenate 'string "@" (tooter::account-name mention)))))
(tooter:make-status client (str:join " "
`(,(concatenate 'string "@" (tooter::account-name reply-account))
,@(when include-mentions reply-mentions)
:media (upload-media media)
:sensitive sensitive
:visibility (or visibility (tooter:visibility status))
:spoiler-text (or cw (tooter:spoiler-text status))
:in-reply-to (tooter:id status))))
(defun post (text &key (visibility :unlisted) cw sensitive media
poll-options poll-timeout
(poll-hide-totals-p nil h-p) (poll-multiple-choice-p nil m-p))
"a thin wrapper around tooter:make-status
will automatically generate a content warning if cw-mappings was provided when the bot was created
Note: POLL-TIMEOUT is the number of seconds until the poll ends
see documentation for that function"
(when (and *cw-mappings* (mappings-updated-p (config :cw-mappings)))
(setf *cw-mappings* (load-mapping-files (config :cw-mappings))
*mappings-write-date* (map 'list #'file-write-date
(ensure-list (config :cw-mappings)))))
(let ((args `(,(bot-client *bot*) ,text
:visibility ,visibility
:spoiler-text ,(or cw (generate-cw text *cw-mappings*))
:media ,(upload-media media)
:sensitive ,sensitive
:poll-options ,poll-options
:poll-expire-seconds ,poll-timeout)))
(when m-p
(setf args (append args (list :poll-multiple poll-multiple-choice-p))))
(when h-p
(setf args (append args (list :poll-hide-totals poll-hide-totals-p))))
(apply #'tooter:make-status args)))
;; strips out html-tags/bot-username if we have that set in our config
(defmethod tooter:decode-entity :after ((status tooter:status) data)
(when (config :strip-html t)
(setf (tooter:content status) (tooter:plain-format-html (tooter:content status))))
(when (config :strip-bot-username)
(setf (tooter:content status) (str:replace-all (bot-username *bot*) "" (tooter:content status))))