
197 lines
7.5 KiB
Common Lisp

;;;; forgejo-updater.lisp
(in-package #:forgejo-updater)
(declaim (inline user-is-root-p restart-process))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
(defconstant +forgejo-release-rss+ ""))
(defvar *current-program-version* nil
"the current running forgejo program's version")
(defvar *verbose* nil)
(:name :help
:description "prints this help"
:short #\h
:long "help")
(:name :force
:description "forces the updater to download the latest version"
:short #\f
:long "force")
(:name :download
:description "downloads the new Forgejo version"
:short #\d
:long "download")
(:name :download-location
:description "specify the full file path to download the new release"
:short #\o
:long "output"
:arg-parser #'identity
:meta-var "FILE")
(:name :update
:description "replaces the forgejo binary with new version automatically"
:short #\u
:long "update")
(:name :restart-process
:description "restarts the forgejo systemd unit after updating"
:short #\r
:long "restart")
(:name :arch
:description "specifies the arch to download (default: linux-amd64)"
:long "arch"
:arg-parse #'identity
:meta-var "ARCH")
(:name :restart-command
:description "pass the command to restart the forgejo process (default: sudo systemctl restart forgejo)"
:long "restart-command"
:arg-parser #'identity
:meta-var "COMMAND")
(:name :version
:description "prints the program's version"
:long "version")
(:name :verbose
:description "prints logging info"
:short #\v
:long "verbose")
(:name :force-root
:description "force binary to run as root"
:long "run-as-root"))
(defmacro logger (&rest rest)
`(when *verbose*
(format t ,@rest)))
(defun parse-links (dom)
(logger "Parsing releases...~%")
(loop :for elt :across (clss:select "li > a" dom)
:when (string= "noopener noreferrer" (plump:attribute elt "rel"))
:collect `(,(str:trim (plump:text elt)) .
,(str:trim (plump:attribute elt "href")))))
(defun ensure-keyserv-added ()
(unless (handler-case (uiop:run-program '("gpg" "-k" "EB114F5E6C0DC2BCDD183550A4B61A2DC5923710"))
(uiop/run-program:subprocess-error (e)
(uiop:run-program '("gpg" "--keyserver" "" "--recv" "EB114F5E6C0DC2BCDD183550A4B61A2DC5923710"))))
(defun verify-file-integrity (signature-path file-path)
(logger "verifying binary integrity...~%")
(uiop:run-program (list "gpg" "--verify" signature-path file-path))
(uiop:subprocess-error (e)
(return-from verify-file-integrity nil)))
(defun download-release (link arch download-location)
;; fetch HTML from release page
;; cache location of forgejo binary
;; parse HTML for specified link & arch
;; download correct version to tmp dir
(let* ((dom (plump:parse (drakma:http-request link :decode-content t)))
(rel-link (assoc arch (parse-links dom)
:test #'(lambda (k v)
(str:ends-with-p k v)))))
(if rel-link
(let ((save-path (or download-location
(str:concat "/tmp/" (car (last (str:split "/" link)))))))
(with-open-file (out save-path
:direction :output
:if-does-not-exist :create
:if-exists :supersede
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(loop :with file := (drakma:http-request (cdr rel-link) :want-stream t)
:for byte := (read-byte file nil nil)
:while byte
:do (write-byte byte out)))
(format t "Unable to find download link for sepecified arch: ~A~%" arch))))
(defun update-binary (new-release)
;; update to user UIOP provided funcs instead of calling
;; the command line directly
(let ((old-path (uiop:run-program "which forgejo" :output '(:string :stripped t))))
(uiop:run-program (list "chmod" "+x" new-release))
(logger "Backing up old version to ~A~%" (str:concat old-path ".old"))
(uiop:run-program (list "mv" old-path (str:concat old-path ".old")))
(uiop:run-program (list "mv" new-release old-path))))
(defun restart-process (cmd)
(logger "Restarting service...~%")
(uiop:run-program cmd))
(defun user-is-root-p ()
(string= "root" (uiop:run-program "whoami" :output '(:string :stripped t))))
(defun main ()
"binary entry point"
(multiple-value-bind (opts args) (opts:get-opts)
(setf *verbose* (getf opts :verbose))
(when (getf opts :help)
(opts:describe :usage-of "fupdater")
(uiop:quit 0))
(when (getf opts :version)
(format t "fupdater v~A~&"
#.(asdf:component-version (asdf:find-system :forgejo-updater)))
(uiop:quit 0))
(when (user-is-root-p)
(if (getf opts :force-root)
(logger "running as root (derogatory)~%")
(format t "refusing to run as root user~%")
(uiop:quit 1))))
(setf *current-program-version*
(if (getf opts :force)
(str:concat "v"
(str:replace-all "+" "-"
(nth 3
(uiop:run-program '("forgejo" "--version")
:output '(:string :stripped t))))))))
;; checks and adds the forgejo signing keys as needed
(let* ((feed (feedparser:parse-feed (drakma:http-request +forgejo-release-rss+ :decode-content t)))
(most-recent (first (gethash :entries feed))))
(if (string< *current-program-version* (gethash :title most-recent))
(if (getf opts :download)
(let ((path (download-release (gethash :link most-recent)
(getf opts :arch "linux-amd64")
(getf opts :download-location)))
(sig (download-release (gethash :link most-recent)
(str:concat (getf opts :arch "linux-amd64") ".asc")
(getf opts :download-location "/tmp/forgejo-update.sig"))))
(logger "Found new version!~%")
(if path
(if (getf opts :update)
(if (verify-file-integrity sig path)
(update-binary path)
(when (getf opts :restart-process)
(restart-process (getf opts :restart-command "sudo systemctl restart forgejo"))))
(format t "Unable to verify release, not upgrading.~%"))
(format t "Downloaded release ~A to ~A~%" (gethash :title most-recent) path))
(format t "Unable to find release for arch ~A~%" (getf opts :arch "linux-amd64"))))
(format t "New Forgejo Version Available: ~A~%" (gethash :title most-recent)))
(logger "No new release found...~%"))))
(user-abort ()
(format t "~&Quitting...~%")
(uiop:quit 0))
(error (e)
(format t "~A~%" e)
(uiop:quit 1)))))