
107 lines
3.9 KiB
Common Lisp

;;;; df-bug-bot.lisp
(in-package #:df-bug-bot)
(declaim (inline reinitizalize-random-state post-poll-p get-random-bug))
(defvar *csv-file* #P"df-bugs.csv"
"path to our CSV file")
(defvar *parsed-csv* nil
"a list that contains our parsed CSV")
(defvar *poll-chances* 0.25
"the chances for posting a status with a poll")
(defvar *csv-regex* "(?m)^[0-9]{7,}.+,(open|reopened|unable to reproduce|not fixable|suspended|won't fix),.+$"
"regex used for pre-processing the downloaded CSV file")
(defvar *recent-ids* nil
"a list containing the 5 most recent bug ids")
(defvar *bug-tracker-url* "https://dwarffortressbugtracker.com/csv_export.php"
"link to the DF bug tracker CSV export")
(defun reinitizalize-random-state ()
"reinitializes the random state with a new one"
(setf *random-state* (make-random-state t)))
(defun post-poll-p ()
"checks if we should post a poll"
(>= *poll-chances* (random 1.0)))
(defun parse-csv (csv)
"transforms the CSV to ensure that it meets our specs"
;; remove all lines that arent actual bugs
(ppcre:all-matches-as-strings *csv-regex*
;; remove all non-terminated strings (to appease cl-csv
(ppcre:regex-replace-all "(?m)\".+$" csv "")))
(defun refresh-csv-file ()
"downloads the bug CSV file and writes it to *CSV-FILE*"
(let ((csv-string (drakma:http-request *bug-tracker-url*)))
(str:to-file *csv-file*
(str:join (string #\newline)
(parse-csv csv-string)))
(setf *parsed-csv* (cl-csv:read-csv *csv-file*))))
(defun get-random-bug ()
"gets a random bug from the list"
(nth (random (length *parsed-csv*)) *parsed-csv*))
(defun generate-post ()
"fetches a random bug and generates a post with it"
(loop :with bug := (get-random-bug)
;; loops until we meet the following criteria:
;; 1- the bug hasnt been posted recently (last 5 posts)
;; 2- the bug text itself exists
;; 3- the bug text isnt an empty string
:until (and (not (member (nth 0 bug) *recent-ids* :test #'string=))
(nth 11 bug)
(not (str:emptyp (nth 11 bug))))
:do (setf bug (get-random-bug))
;; when we finally have a new bug we push the
;; bug id into the recent-id list and make sure that
;; we only have the most recent ids cached.
;; then we redo the random state just for kicks
;; before returning the text for the post
(push (nth 0 bug) *recent-ids*)
(setf *recent-ids* (subseq *recent-ids* 0 (min (length *recent-ids*) 5)))
(return (format nil "~A: ~A" (nth 0 bug) (nth 11 bug)))))
(defun main ()
"main binary entry point"
;; download our csv file if it doesnt exist
;; if its already downloaded go ahead and parse it
(if (uiop:file-exists-p *csv-file*)
(setf *parsed-csv* (cl-csv:read-csv *csv-file*))
(run-bot ((make-instance 'mastodon-bot :config-file "config.file")
:with-websocket nil)
;; after every 4 days (and 13 min) refresh the bug list
;; this should hopefully not overlap with the posting,
;; because that might mess things up
(after-every ((time-to-seconds 4 :days 13 :minutes) :seconds :async t)
;; post a random bug every hour
(after-every (1 :hour :run-immediately t)
(let ((poll? (post-poll-p)))
(post (generate-post)
:poll-options (when poll? '("Bug?" "Feature?" "Normal dwarven behavior?"))
:poll-timeout (when poll? 3600))))))
(error (e)
(format t "~A~%" e)
(user-abort ()